天人合一 The Continuity and Interdependence Between Tian and the Human Being (tianren heyi)
By their efforts at ars contextualis—the art of effectively contextualizing and coordinating the experience of the human being within the processes of nature in an effort to optimize the creative possibilities of the cosmos— Fu Xi and Shen Nong cultivated a thick continuity between“nurture” and “nature” expressed in the evocative images that constitute the Yijing . This perceived resonance between the human experience and the natural and cultural forum in which it occurs is made explicit in expressions that have come to characterize the relationship, such as “the continuity between the religious, natural, and cultural context, and the human experience”(tianren heyi天人合一), and the “mutual responsiveness of the numinous context and the human experience” (tianren xiangying 天人相應or tianren ganying天人感應). It is important to note that such expressions report on the continuing symbiotic mutuality of these dimensions of experience rather than on the reconciliation of two originally separate aspects of the world after the fact. Personal cultivation is not the bringing together and the “uniting”of the world and human experience, but is rather the deepening and intensifying of the productive continuities that conjoin two inseparable aspects of experience, that is, oneself and one's world.
( Confucian Role Ethics: A Vocabulary. pp. 53-54)
Indeed, in this Confucian tradition, there is a direct corridor from the achieved consummate life to a human-centered religiousness as the highest expression of personal cultivation. Confucian religiousness—the powerful sense of achieved worth and personal belonging that arises from the concerted growth of meaningful relations—is the spirituality achieved when members of family and community aspire to contribute themselves utterly in their relations with others, and thus live inspired lives. Such religiousness is itself the source and product of the flourishing family and community, and the quality of this religious life is a direct consequence of the quality of communal living. Said another way, religiosity is not only the root of the flourishing community and the seed from which it grows, but is most importantly its mature fruit, its radiant flower. The synergy between personal cultivation and the numinous is captured in the familiar mantra that is often appealed to by students of Chinese religiousness in distinguishing Confucian familial and communal reverence from Abrahamic God-inspired worship: That is, Confucian religiousness is characterized by “the symbiotic continuity between the natural and cultural context and the human experience” (tianren heyi天人合一).
(Confucian Role Ethics: A Vocabulary, p. 92)
The basic significance of the mantra, “the continuity between the natural and cultural context, and the human experience” (tianren heyi天人合一) that is invoked to describe the Confucian religious sensibility is making this same point about potential. It is the person nourished by culture who becomes consummately human, and it is the life of the consummate human who contributes to the cultural resources that make a consummate humanity possible. Potentiality emerges in these collaborations between aspiring persons and an inspired world.
(Confucian Role Ethics: A Vocabulary, p. 156)
The argument, simply put, is that Confucian philosophers from classical times have recognized a continuity between the human experience and their natural and cultural context that is captured in the mantra tianren heyi天人合一.The nature of this continuity, however, has often been misunderstood. Instead of being a continuity between what is more or less subjective and more or less objective, respecting both the ability of the collective human community to transform its environment productively and the resistance of the natural world to this human transformation, it has been dominated by the belief that the moral subject holds almost absolute transformative powers over an infinitely malleable natural world. Such a belief has retarded an appreciation of the potential that the natural sciences hold to improve the human condition. As such, this voluntarism has become a kind of raw subjectivism that discounts the real need for collective efforts in science and technology to “humanize” nature in order to establish a productive relationship between subject and object, a relationship that Li Zehou takes to be a precondition for human freedom.
(Confucian Role Ethics: A Vocabulary, p. 264)
Confucian religiousness begins from the assumption that there is a continuity and interdependence between tian 天,conventionally translated as “Heaven,” and the human being (ren人). This correlativity between tian and the particular person is often captured in the claim that tianren heyi天人合一(literally, “tian and human beings are continuous”)used to summarize religious sensibilities during this period. Hence, the Mencius observes:
For a person to realize fully one's heart-and-mind is to realize fully one's nature and character, and in so doing, one realizes tian .
Tian and “the way” ( dao 道 ) are often associated if not used interchangeably in the classical Confucian corpus. And Confucius insists that “it is the human being who broadens the way, not the way that broadens the human being.”
The continuity and interdependence between tian and the human being is reflected in the familiar line from the Mencius : “All of the myriad things are here in me.” We can explain this claim in the following way. Persons are radically situated as personsin-context, inhering as they do in a world defined by specific social, cultural, and natural conditions. Persons shape and are shaped by the field of things and events in which they reside. A person is fluid and multivalent in the sense that, in any particular situation, he or she is open to redefinition in many different ways by appeal to the roles of mother, sister, and so on. Articulated and brought into focus in any one of these roles, a person expresses the community from both a focal and a local perspective within the extended field of relationships.
An analogy might help here. The full value of any one note in a musical composition can only be assayed by understanding its place in the entire piece of music as performed. Any one note thus has implicate within it the entire score. That note may be said to focus the entire field of relationships constituted by the compositions. Important here is that the field of relationships is not circumscribed, but an unbounded reservoir of particular detail that remains open and available for further inclusion. The field of relevant detail for the particular note can be extended to include a movement in another piece by the same composer, or his entire corpus, or the musical product of a particular era, and so on.
“Persons-in-context,” like the particular note in the musical performance, are multivalent, bringing the human community and its natural surrounds into focus from their particular perspective. As such, they are more or less distinguished, more or less articulated, more or less representative of the values and cultural importances of their communities.
This language of focus and field provides us with a way of talking about the continuity and interdependence of the human being and tian presupposed in the Confucian worldview. Tian is the field, the social, cultural, and natural context, and is in some sense greater than the particular person (“ Tian has given life to and nourished excellence in me”), as well as being implicate within and brought into focus by the particular person (“all of the myriad things are here in me”). As we have noted above, tian is frequently described in anthropomorphic terms. But the relationship is bidirectional, and works the other way as well. The human being is also theomorphic. That is, when a person is successful in focusing culture and its institutions in a manner that is exemplary, and emerges as a model for his community and future generations to which they defer, he has extended himself through their patterns of deference, and has become the object of reverence. Hence, in the Confucian vocabulary, cultivation enlarges one's person ( da ren大人), so that one becomes literally“larger than life.”
( Thinking from the Han, pp. 263-265)