Appendix 1
Attached Tables of Basic Internet Resources
Table 1: Number of IPv4 Addresses in Different Regions of China

Table 2: Allocation of IPv4 Addresses among Organizations on the Chinese Mainland

Data sources: APNIC and CNNIC
Note 1: The addresses of China Unicom include the addresses of former China Unicom and former China Netcom. Specifically, the 6,316,032 (96B+96C) IPv4 addresses of former China Unicom are assigned by CNNIC.
Note 2: As a national Internet registry approved by APNIC and relevant Chinese authority, CNNIC has organized Internet service providers, enterprises and public institutions of a certain size in China to set up an IP Address Allocation Alliance. So far, the total number of IPv4 addresses held by the members of CNNIC IP Address Allocation Alliance is 74,192,896, equivalent to 4A+108B+24C. The IPv4 addresses of the Alliance members listed in the above table exclude those IPv4 addresses already assigned to former China Unicom and China Tietong.
Note 3: The IP addresses of China Mobile include the addresses of former China Mobile and China Tietong. Specifically, the 15,795,200 (241B+4C) IPv4 addresses of China Tietong are assigned by CNNIC.
Note 4: The deadline for the above statistical data is December 31, 2013.
Table 3: Number of IPv6 Addresses in Different Regions of China

Table 4: IPv6 Address Allocation on the Chinese Mainland

Data sources: APNIC and CNNIC
Note 1: /32 as shown in the IPv6 address allocation table is a method to present IPv6 addresses, and the corresponding number of addresses is 2(128-32) = 296.
Note 2: At present, the total IPv6 addresses held by the members of CNNIC IP Address Allocation Alliance are 4,327 blocks/32. The IPv6 addresses held by the Alliance members listed in the above table exclude those IPv6 addresses already assigned to China Tietong and CSTNET.
Note 3: The IPv6 addresses of China Tietong Telecommunications Corporation are assigned by CNNIC.
Note 4: The IPv6 addresses of CSTNET are assigned by CNNIC.
Note 5: The deadline for the above statistical data is December 31, 2013.
Table 5: Proportion of IPv4 Addresses in Each Chinese Provincial-level Administrative Region

Data sources: APNIC and CNNIC
Note 1: The above IP address statistics are for China's provincial-level administrative regions where IP address owners are located.
Note 2: The deadline for the above statistical data is December 31, 2013.
Table 6: Numbers of Domain Names, . CN Domain Names and .中国 Domain Names by Provincial-level Administrative Region

Note: The total number of domain names by provincial-level administrative region excludes .edu.cn domain names.
Table 7: Number of Websites by Provincial-level Administrative Region

Note: The number of websites by provincial-level administrative region excludes .edu.cn websites.
Table 8: Web Pages Classified by Updating Frequency

Data source: Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
Table 9: Web Pages Classified by Suffix

Data source: Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
Table 10: Web Pages Classified by Multimedia Form

Data source: Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
Table 11: Number of Web Pages by Provincial-level Administrative Region

Data source: Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
Table 12: Number of Web Page Bytes by Provincial-level Administrative Region

Data source: Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
Table 13: Proportion of Web Pages Categorized by Updating Frequency in Each Chinese Provincial-level Administrative Region

Data source: Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
Table 14: Proportion of Web Pages Categorized by Coding Type in Each Chinese Provincial-level Administrative Region

Data source: Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.