Installing Node.js
First off, we need to install the most up-to-date Node.js version. At the time of writing this book, Node.js's latest update is v6.3.0. You can go to the Node.js website at https://nodejs.org/en/ and choose your platform. For this book, we are using Mac OS X, but the examples can be followed on any platform.
To check the Node and Node Package Manager (NPM) version, open your terminal/shell and type these:
node -v
npm -v
The book uses Node version 6.3.0 and NPM version 3.10.3
Installing Yeoman
Throughout this book, we will use some tools that accelerate our development process. One of them is called Yeoman (more information can be found at http://yeoman.io/), a powerful web application generator.
Now let's install the generator. Open your terminal/shell and type the following code:
npm install -g yo