DevOps:Puppet,Docker,and Kubernetes

Managing users' SSH access

A sensible approach to access control for servers is to use named user accounts with passphrase-protected SSH keys, rather than having users share an account with a widely known password. Puppet makes this easy to manage thanks to the built-in ssh_authorized_key type.

To combine this with virtual users, as described in the previous section, you can create a define, which includes both the user and ssh_authorized_key resources. This will also come in handy when adding customization files and other resources to each user.

How to do it...

Follow these steps to extend your virtual users' class to include SSH access:

  1. Create a new module ssh_user to contain our ssh_user definition. Create the modules/ssh_user/manifests/init.pp file as follows:
    define ssh_user($key,$keytype) {
      user { $name:
        ensure     => present,
      file { "/home/${name}":
        ensure => directory,
        mode   => '0700',
        owner  => $name,
        require => User["$name"]
      file { "/home/${name}/.ssh":
        ensure => directory,
        mode   => '0700',
        owner  => "$name",
        require => File["/home/${name}"],
      ssh_authorized_key { "${name}_key":
        key     => $key,
        type    => "$keytype",
        user    => $name,
        require => File["/home/${name}/.ssh"],
  2. Modify your modules/user/manifests/virtual.pp file, comment out the previous definition for user thomas, and replace it with the following:
    @ssh_user { 'thomas':
      key     => 'AAAAB3NzaC1yc2E...XaWM5sX0z',
      keytype => 'ssh-rsa'
  3. Modify your modules/user/manifests/sysadmins.pp file as follows:
    class user::sysadmins {
  4. Modify your site.pp file as follows:
    node 'cookbook' {
      include user::virtual
      include user::sysadmins
  5. Run Puppet:
    cookbook# puppet agent -t
    Info: Caching catalog for
    Info: Applying configuration version '1413254461'
    Notice: /Stage[main]/User::Virtual/Ssh_user[thomas]/File[/home/thomas/.ssh]/ensure: created
    Notice: /Stage[main]/User::Virtual/Ssh_user[thomas]/Ssh_authorized_key[thomas_key]/ensure: created
    Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.11 seconds

How it works...

For each user in our user::virtual class, we need to create:

  • The user account itself
  • The user's home directory and .ssh directory
  • The user's .ssh/authorized_keys file

We could declare separate resources to implement all of these for each user, but it's much easier to create a definition instead, which wraps them into a single resource. By creating a new module for our definition, we can refer to ssh_user from anywhere (in any scope):

define ssh_user ($key, $keytype) { 
  user { $name:
    ensure     => present,

After we create the user, we can then create the home directory; we need the user first so that when we assign ownership, we can use the username, owner => $name:

  file { "/home/${name}":
    ensure => directory,
    mode => '0700',
    owner => $name,
    require => User["$name"]

Puppet can create the users' home directory using the managehome attribute to the user resource. Relying on this mechanism is problematic in practice, as it does not account for users that were created outside of Puppet without home directories.

Next, we need to ensure that the .ssh directory exists within the home directory of the user. We require the home directory, File["/home/${name}"], since that needs to exist before we create this subdirectory. This implies that the user already exists because the home directory required the user:

  file { "/home/${name}/.ssh":
    ensure => directory,
    mode   => '0700',
    owner  => $name ,
    require => File["/home/${name}"],

Finally, we create the ssh_authorized_key resource, again requiring the containing folder (File["/home/${name}/.ssh"]). We use the $key and $keytype variables to assign the key and type parameters to the ssh_authorized_key type as follows:

  ssh_authorized_key { "${name}_key":
    key     => $key,
    type    => "$keytype",
    user    => $name,
    require => File["/home/${name}/.ssh"],

We passed the $key and $keytype variables when we defined the ssh_user resource for thomas:

@ssh_user { 'thomas':
  key => 'AAAAB3NzaC1yc2E...XaWM5sX0z',
  keytype => 'ssh-rsa'

The value for key, in the preceding code snippet, is the ssh key's public key value; it is usually stored in an file.

Now, with everything defined, we just need to call realize on thomas for all these resources to take effect:


Notice that this time the virtual resource we're realizing is not simply the user resource, as before, but the ssh_user defined type we created, which includes the user and the related resources needed to set up the SSH access:

Notice: /Stage[main]/User::Virtual/Ssh_user[thomas]/User[thomas]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/User::Virtual/Ssh_user[thomas]/File[/home/thomas]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/User::Virtual/Ssh_user[thomas]/File[/home/thomas/.ssh]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/User::Virtual/Ssh_user[thomas]/Ssh_authorized_key[thomas_key]/ensure: created

There's more...

Of course, you can add whatever resources you like to the ssh_user definition to have Puppet automatically create them for new users. We'll see an example of this in the next recipe, Managing users' customization files.