How to do it...
We can download the Python from the official website and install it in your system. Execute the following steps:
- Go to the official website of Python (http://python.org/download/) and download the latest version of Windows MSI installer.
- Run the installer.
- You can select the option to Install launcher for all users (recommended) and click Install Now to finish the installation.

- After installation, it would be better if you could add the default Python directories of your version to the PATH.
If you have installed Python in C:\Python36\, you should add the following directories in your PATH--C:\Python36\;C:\Python36\Scripts\.
For that navigate to My Computer | Properties | Advanced System Settings | Environment Variables and edit the PATH variable to add the new directories.

- Now you can install virtual environment and virtualenvwrapper as we did for the other environments.
- Also, you can download and install the sublime text 3 as editor.