Spring 5.0 By Example

Spring Messaging

Spring Framework supports a wide range of messaging systems. The Java platform is recognized as providing excellent support for messaging applications, and Spring Framework follows this approach and offers a variety of projects to help developers to write powerful applications with more productivity and fewer lines of infrastructure code. The basic idea of these projects is to provide some template classes that have the convenience methods to interact with the messaging systems.

Also, the project supplies some listener annotations to provide support for listening to messages from the brokers. The framework maintains the standard for different projects. In general, the prefix of the annotations is the name of the messaging system, for example, @KafkaListener.

The framework supplies many abstractions to create messaging applications in a generic way. This is interesting stuff because the application requirements change during the application lifecycle and the message broker solution may change as well. Then, with small changes, the application built with the Spring message module can work in different brokers. This is the goal.