Spring 5.0 By Example

Spring modularity

Since its foundation, the framework has had a particular focus on modularity. It is an important framework characteristic because it makes the framework an excellent option for different architectural styles and different parts of applications.

It means the framework is not an opinionated, full-stack framework that dictates the rules to make everything work. We can use the framework as we need and integrate it with a wide range of specification and third-party libraries.

For example, for portal web applications, the Spring MVC supports features such as template engines and REST endpoints and integrates them with the popular JavaScript framework, AngularJS.

Also, if the application needs support for a distributed system, the framework can supply an amazing module called Spring Cloud, which has some essential features for distributed environments, such as service registration and discovery, a circuit breaker, intelligent routing, and client-side load balancing.

Spring makes the development applications for Java Runtime easy with different languages, such as Java, Kotlin, and Groovy (with which you can choose the flavor and make the development task fun).

It is divided into various modules. The main modules are as follows:

  • Spring Core
  • Spring Data
  • Spring Security
  • Spring Cloud
  • Spring Web-MVC

In this book, we will cover the most common solutions involved in Java Enterprise applications, including the awesome Spring Cloud project. Also, we can find some interesting projects such as Spring Batch and Spring Integration, but these projects are for specific needs.