Time for action – Adding a layout to the form
Select the MainWindow top-level item in the object tree and click on , the Lay Out Vertically icon in the upper toolbar. The button, labels, and the empty widget will be automatically resized to take all the available space of the form in the central area:

If the items were arranged in a different order, you can drag and drop them to change the order.
Run the application and check that the window's contents are automatically positioned and resized to use all the available space when the window is resized. Unfortunately, the labels take more vertical space than they really require, resulting in an empty space in the application window. We will fix this issue later in this chapter when we learn about size policies.
Now that you can create and display a form, two important operations need to be implemented. First, you need to receive notifications when the user interacts with your form (for example, presses a button) to perform some actions in the code. Second, you need to change the properties of the form's contents programmatically, and fill it with real data (for example, set player names from the code).