If you have been into machine learning for a while, you will have heard of TensorFlow, or have even used it to build a machine learning model or to feed artificial neural networks. It is an amazing open source project, developed essentially and supported by Google:

The following is the main architecture of TensorFlow, according to the official website:

If it is your first time using TensorFlow, it is highly recommended to visit the project's official website at https://www.tensorflow.org/get_started/. Let's install it on our machine, and discover some of its functionalities. There are many possibilities for installing it; you can use native PIP, Docker, Anaconda, or Virtualenv.
Let's suppose that we are going to install it on an Ubuntu machine (it also supports the other operating systems). First, check your Python version with the python --version command:

Install PIP and Virtualenv using the following command:
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev python-virtualenv

Now, the packages are installed:

Create a new repository using the mkdir command:
#mkdir TF-project
Create a new Virtualenv by typing the following command:
virtualenv --system-site-packages TF-project

Then, type the following command:
source <Directory_Here>/bin/activate
Upgrade TensorFlow by using the pip install -upgrade tensorflow command:

>>> import tensorflow as tf
>>> Message = tf.constant("Hello, world!")
>>> sess = tf.Session()
>>> print(sess.run(Message))
The following are the full steps to display a Hello World! message: