The print_header() helper function
The print_header() helper function prints the account information to the console before transactions are printed. Specifically, the address, number of transactions, current balance, and total Bitcoins sent and received are displayed to the user. Take a look at the following code:
098 def print_header(account):
099 """
100 The print_header function prints overall header information
101 containing basic address information.
102 :param account: The JSON decoded account and transaction data
103 :return: Nothing
104 """
On lines 105 through 113, we print our values of interest using the string formatting method. During our program design, we chose to create this as a separate function in order to improve our code readability. Functionally, this code could have easily been, and originally was, in the print_transactions() function. It was separated to compartmentalize the different phases of execution. The purpose of the print statement on line 113 is to create a line of 22 left-aligned equal signs to visually separate the account information from the transactions in the console:
105 print('Address:', account['address'])
106 print('Current Balance: {:.8f} BTC'.format(
107 account['final_balance'] * 10**-8))
108 print('Total Sent: {:.8f} BTC'.format(
109 account['total_sent'] * 10**-8))
110 print('Total Received: {:.8f} BTC'.format(
111 account['total_received'] * 10**-8))
112 print('Number of Transactions:', account['n_tx'])
113 print('{:=^22}\n'.format(''))