What this book covers
Chapter 1, Introduction to ReasonML, discusses the current state of web development and why we would consider ReasonML for frontend development (and more).
Chapter 2, Setting Up a Development Environment, gets us up and running.
Chapter 3, Creating ReasonReact Components, demonstrates how to create React components with ReasonML and ReasonReact. Here, we begin building an app shell that we add to throughout the rest of the book.
Chapter 4, BuckleScript, Belt, and Interoperability, gives us a well-rounded understanding of Reason's ecosystem and standard library.
Chapter 5, Effective ML, dives into some more advanced features of Reason's type system using business examples.
Chapter 6, CSS-in-JS (in Reason), shows how CSS-in-JS works in Reason and how the type system can help.
Chapter 7, JSON in Reason, demonstrates how to convert JSON into data structures in Reason and illustrates how GraphQL can help.
Chapter 8, Unit Testing with Jest, jumps into testing with the popular Jest testing library.