Preface 序 一
In the past decade,there has been a global explosion of scientific literature in every aspectof vision and eye care.In China,present demographic trends indicate a huge number of patientswith unmet vision and health care needs.It is therefore imperative that eye care practitionersmeet the challenges of providing quality primary eye care to the populace.To the best of our knowledge,this text is the firstmanual introducing themodern day primary eye care scheme.
The goal of this book is to provide optometry students,ophthalmology residents and general eye care practitioners relevant clinical techniques based on evidence based body of knowledge in vision science.The authors of this text include ophthalmologists,optometrists,an orthoptist and a pharmacist.Thus the chapters reflect a broader scope of the topicswithin an interdisciplinary frame of reference.Since a clinical setting providing primary eye care requires administration of human and financial resources,the first part of the text introduces the concept and management of eye health.The description of the organizational pattern of the eye health clinic serves as one of the models for primary eye care.The current standard of primary eye care is fully documented.There is a detailed description on the educational requirements of optometrists prior to receiving a license to practice in the US.In contrast,current employment of refractionists and optometrists in China is also described.
Part two of the book presents specific chapters on primary eye care in a methodical and cohesivemanner.It integrates all the essential elements of assessment sequentially in a comprehensive eye examination aiming to assess,detect,diagnose and manage different kinds of ocular conditions.At the end of such an examination,refractive,binocular vision and eye health status of the patients can be confidently diagnosed with the use of proper instruments.Part three provides a description of a variety of treatment plans.They include implementation of appropriate optical,optometric and ophthalmic treatments.Referrals to secondary and tertiary practitioners aremade if deemed necessary.There is also a specific chapter on therapies for control ofmyopia.
The last part describes administrative aspects of an eye healthmodel clinic.It further differentiates the standards of care ofmedical and non-medical clinics.Finally,the book promotes the establishment of such clinics throughout China so that patients across the country may access such quality eye care services in one stop.
It is our collective opinion that the book is not only to promote eye health butalso to bring into perspective new insights thatwill provide better eye care to the public in China.
George Woo,OD,PhD.
Emeritus Professor
School of Optometry
University ofWaterloo and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University