No Mountain is too High, No Ocean is too Wide:Reflections of 146 Busi-ness and Marketing Scholars
Book Description
The authors reflect on their academic experience in research, teaching and career in the field of business administration, mainly in marketing.
Their reflections are divided into three sections, based on their stages of academic de-velopment:Young Scholars(Ph. D.students,29 of them),Young Faculty Members(As-sistant Professors/Associate Professors,77 of them),and Senior Faculty Members(Full Professors,40 of them).
Although the themes differ, all of the authors have written with two groups of readers in mind:graduate students looking for advice to complete their degree and university facul-ty members looking for suggestions to make progress in their career.
About the Editor
Nan Zhou was born in Fujian, China in 1952. He was among the generation of Chi-nese whose high school education was interrupted due to the start of the Cultural Revolution in 1966.This historical event contextualized the special titles of his educational statuses af-terwards:First as a Zhi Shi Qing Nian(“Intellectual Youth”)at the age of 16,he went to work as a peasant for almost six years;then he worked as an apprentice carpenter for a-round one year;thereafter, he was sent off to Fuzhou University as a“Worker-Peasant-Sol-dier”student.In 1981,he passed the national examination for overseas graduate study or-ganized by the Ministry of Education.Consequently, he earned an MBA from Idaho State University in 1984 and a Ph.D.in Business Administration with a major in marketing from the University of Utah in 1987.
Nan Zhou is currently a professor at the Department of Marketing at the City University of Hong Kong. He is also a Changjiang Scholar Chair Professor at Wuhan University, Chi-na.He is the first Changjiang Scholar Chair Professor in the area of Qi Ye Guan Li(Enter-prise Management)appointed by the Ministry of Education of China.
E-mail:nan. zhou@cityu.edu.hk