污染 I-19 / 019
The word pollution means waste and dirt. It does not sound very good when the two words water and pollution are put together. Thinking about drinking or bathing in polluted water is very unpleasant.
Many wildlife and some human beings are now living where the water is polluted. Water supplies have been polluted by factories, sewage, insect poisons, and trash. Some parts of the world are even in danger of running out of water.
Men have been emptying underground supplies of water without refilling them. Now a serious water problem has developed. Scientists are not sure what to do about it.
Even the oceans are being polluted. Sometimes ships dump waste and trash into the oceans. When you walk along the beach, you can often find trash washed ashore by the tides.
The air over many of the cities is very unhealthy to breathe. Air pollution, called smog, sometimes hangs over a whole area of the country for days. The gases from automobiles go into the air and become a serious problem, too. Factories put waste materials into the air. Even outer space has become cluttered with trash because many objects have been sent up and left to go around the earth.
Some animals and birds lived in the past that you will never see. They have become extinct. Other animals are in danger of becoming extinct.
Some living creatures become extinct because of changes in nature. Floods, earthquakes, and storms may change environments. Sometimes humans destroy animal habitats.
Words and Phrases
pollution [pəˈlu:ʃn] 名 污染
wildlife [ˈwaɪldlaɪf] 名 野生动(植)物
water supplies 水源
sewage [ˈsu:ɪdʒ] 名 污水;(下水道里的)污物
poison [ˈpɔɪzn] 名 毒药,毒物
run out of 用尽
refill [ˌri:ˈfɪl] 动 再注满,重新装满
smog [smɒɡ] 名 烟雾
automobile [ˈɔ:təməbi:l] 名 汽车
outer space 太空;外层空间
clutter [ˈklʌtə(r)] 动 使凌乱
extinct [ɪkˈstɪŋkt] 形 灭绝的,绝种的
habitat [ˈhæbɪtæt] 名(动物的)栖息地,产地
1. From the following list of words, write the correct answer on each line.
sewage extinct pollution smog
(1) Water supplies have been polluted by factories and________.
(2) Waste and dirt in the air or water are called__________.
(3) Animals and birds that lived in the past but do not live today have become_________.
2. Find a list of animals and birds that are becoming scarce.

(1) 水源被工厂排放的污水和________所污染。
(2) 空气或水中的废物和污垢称为_________。
(3) 生活在过去但现在却不存在的动物和鸟类已经__________。

1. (1) sewage (2) pollution (3) extinct
2. Answers will vary. Such as, panda(熊猫), koala(树袋熊), red-crowned crane(丹顶鹤), etc.