Day 10
But the idea of bodies of knowledge becoming extinct seems quite as shocking,and it is difficult to see how it can be avoided when they are so inseparably a part of a rare and specialized way of life-a way of life that is now changing.
——SAT 2009年1月题,Section 3
1.“the idea of(sth.)doing sth.”这种表达方式中,“of”连接了前后互为同位语的部分,“of”本身没有意义,在这个结构中“of”前面的名词通常是抽象的,“of”后面的动名词(doing)或动名词复合结构(sth.doing)是其前面抽象名词要表达的内容。本句中,“bodies of knowledge becoming extinct”即为“idea”的内容,也就是说,“观点”的内容就是“不同的知识体系正在消亡”。再比如“Is there any hope of this old father finding his son”这个例子中,“this old father finding his son”是“hope”的同位语,解释说明“希望”的内容。
2.关于代词指代的问题,最可靠的情况是根据上下文推断出来,比如“how it can be avoided”中的“it”指代谁,很难根据我们学过的语法判断出;而根据语境,能被避免的应该是“bodies of knowledge becoming extinct”这件事。而“when they are so inseparably a part of a rare and specialized way of life”中的代词“they”是复数,指代的是“bodies of knowledge”。
3.“specialized”在此意思不是“专业的”,而是“adapted or designed for a particular purpose”,意思是“专用的(为适应某目的或为某目的设计的)”,比如“specialized tools”(专用工具)。

…Apart from navigation,though,a sea nomad's knowledge of the ocean is scientific in its detail,yet the nomad's gaze is very far from being a scientist's gaze.For one thing,it tends to be holistic,whereas the impression given by today's scientists is one of extreme specialization.
Of course,this is not quite the point.The point is not only what will happen if and when stellar navigation becomes a lost art,but who apart from astronomers will remain attentive to the heavens?Who apart from scientists will remain attentive to the sea?Even when it happens before our eyes,it is hard enough to accept that species become extinct.But the idea of bodies of knowledge becoming extinct seems quite as shocking,and it is difficult to see how it can be avoided when they are so inseparably a part of a rare and specialized way of life-a way of life that is now changing.
The author's use of the words“specialization”and“specialized”implies a distinction between____.
(A)a view of science as overly complex and a way of life that is uncomplicated
(B)a belief that scientific advancements are progressive and a way of life that is archaic
(C)an approval of the specificity of science and condemnation of a restrictive way of life
(D)a dismissal of scientific advancements as commonplace and an ambivalence about a specific way of life
(E)disapproval of a too-scientific approach and approval of a particular way of life