Lesson 10
Father’s Love on the Photos
Does your father take photos of you?But does he take photos every day?你父亲为你拍照吗?可是他会天天为你拍照吗?
Suman Bansal is18years old now.Her father is Munish.He loves Suman very much.He takes aphoto for Suman every day.When Suman is born on May16,1996,the father begins to do this.①He often takes the photos in the morning before Suman goes to school.But sometimes he does this in the afternoon when Suman gets back home.Now there are6,575photos of Suman.“I just want to make a memory to see how Suman changes day to day.”says the father.②
Word bank

①When Suman is born on May16,1996,the father begins to do this.当苏曼1996年5月16日出生的时候,她的爸爸就开始做这件事。
②“I just want to make amemory to see how Suman changes day to day.”says the father.爸爸说:“我只是想记住苏曼是怎样一天一天变化的。”
Ⅰ.Read for comprehension
1.Suman’s birthday is on____.
2.There are____photos of Suman.
3.Why does Suman’s father do this?
A.Just for fun.
B.To see the changes of Suman.
C.To improve his skill of photography(摄影).
Ⅱ.Read for writing
Every father loves his children very much.Write ashort passage about your father’s love on you.