International Law is the textbook for one of the 14Core Subjects of Higher Legal Education in China,and among the Textbook Series for 21st Century sponsored by the Ministry of Education.The book is composed of 18chapters,presenting a systematic exposition of the rules,principles and institutions of Modern International Law and an analysis of its fundamental theoretical problems.The first chapter,the General Introduction,expounds the conception of international law,its historical development,subjects of the law,sources of the law,theories as to the basis of international law,relation between international and municiple law,and the basic principles of international law.Chapters 2,3and 4deal emphatically with States,population in international law and State territory.Chapters 5,6,7and 8introduce and discuss international law of the sea,air law,the law of outer space,and international environmental law respectively.Chapter 9deals with the United Nations and regional organizations.Chapter 10expounds diplomatic and consular immunities and the immunities of international organizations.Chapter 11introduces the legal system of the international economic relations,mainly International Monetary Fund,the World Bank Group and the World Trade Organization and their legal institutions.Chapter 12is on the International Protection of Human Rights.Chapter 13discusses the conclusion and entry into force of treaties,pacta sunt servanda,reservation,application and interpretation of treaties,invalidity of treaties and other rules and institutions of the law of treaties.Chapter 14is devoted to the institution of State responsibility,including the constituents of State responsibility,circumstances precluding wrongfullness and consequences of State responsibility.Chapter 15,Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes,besides the principle of peaceful settlement of international disputes,introduces the political and legal methods of settlement,including negotiation,good offices and mediation,arbitration and the ICJ.Chapter 16,Collective Security System,discusses problems of maintenance of international peace and security,with a section on UN peace-keeping operations.Chapter 17,Arms control and disarmament is newly added in the second edition,introduces the historical development,contents and the perspective of China.Chapter 18,The Law of Armed Conflict,deals with international humanitarian law,war crimes,International Tribunals for Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda,and the newly established International Criminal Court.
This book,providing fundamental knowledge and expounding basic theories of international law to law students,may also be of some use to the students of departments or colleges of foreign languages,international relations,jouralism and communication,practitioners of foreign and external affairs.