17 Lloyd Blankfein
01 He serves on the board of the Robin Hood Foundation, a charitable(慈善的)organization, whose goal is to alleviate(减轻)poverty in New York.
02 Blankfein contributes to mostly Democratic Party candidates. He self-identifies(自诩)as a Democrat.
Personal life

Lloyd Blankfein was born in the Bronx Borough of New York City, to a Jewish family. His father was a clerk with the U.S. Postal Service branch in the Manhattan borough of New York City and his mother was a receptionist. As a boy, he worked as a concession vendor(卖主)at Yankee Stadium. He received primary and secondary education in the public schools of the New York City Department of Education and was the valedictorian(告别演说者)at Thomas Jefferson High School. He attended Harvard College, where he lived in Winthrop House and earned his A.B. In 1978, Blankfein received a J.D. degree from Harvard Law School.
Blankfein is married to the former Laura Jacobs. The couple has two sons and a daughter. His kids all graduated from Harvard University.
Before joining Goldman, Blankfein worked for Proskauer Roseand then Donovan, Leisure, Newton & Irvine. In 1981, he joined Goldman's commodities trading arm, J. Aron & Co., as a precious metals salesman in its London office. He has served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Goldman Sachs since 2006. He earned a total of $54.4 million in 2006 as one of the highest paid executives on Wall Street.
In 2009, the Financial Times named Blankfe in its “2009 Person of the Year”, stating, “His bank has stuck to its strengths, unashamedly(厚颜无耻)taken advantage of the low interest rates and diminished(削弱)competition resulting from the crisis to make big trading profits.” Critics of Goldman Sachs and Wall Street have taken issue with those practices. Taking a different view, Forbes listed Blankfein as one of “the Most Outrageous CEOs of 2009".
First, confidence really important. Recognize you have earned the right to be confident. Most of you have made great sacrifices(牺牲)and overcome(克服)great obstacles(障碍)to get where you are today. You built up muscles that others who've had an easier time don't have. Those muscles will serve you for the rest of your life.
Second, find a job that you like. You'll be better at it and you'll last longer in it. Having said that, in a tough economy or because of family pressures(压力), you may not a ways be able take a risk with a job choice. And, no doubt, we've all settled at various times.
Third, be a well rounded, complete person. Many of you will go for further education or career training. Of course, it's important to learn the things that you need to make a living. But, don't forget to read and to learn history, literature and about current events.
Fourth, be involved in the community. Find ways to contribute to make yourself proud and set an example to your kids. Making a living is not life. It is a means to an end, not the end. You have to feel proud of yourself. There are always going to be people who struggle and for whom community work is not a realistic(现实主义的)option, but try.