Preface Two Based on “the Belt and Road” Initiative to Explore the Development of Cultural Industries in Macao.png?sign=1743230407-eCZ1IiXWAXvyztNH858BzdAn0kwWUTXM-0-330af8a27bfa190df7c4e01160461c82)
In order to further promote the development of cultural industries in Macao, heading to the goal of moderate economic diversification, the Chinese Cultural Exchange Association and the Institute for Cultural Industries, Peking University jointly establish the brand activity “Forum on Cultural Industries(Macao)”in 2015. Experts, scholars and industry leaders from different countries and regions are invited to Macao. Guests share their cultural industry development experiences from advanced regions and explore the development direction of Macao cultural industries.
Based on the accumulated experience of the first forum, we have successfully held the second “Forum on Cultural Industries(Macao)”in 2016. More than ten experts and scholars from Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Spain, Germany and Portugal as well as the United Nations Conference on Trade and Developments Coordinator of Greative Economy Pragrame, Carolina Quintana, were invited to Macao to have in-depth sharing and discussions with local experts and scholars on the theme of“‘the Belt and Road' initiative and opportunities for Macao cultural industries”. Experts inspected the potential cultural value of Macao in the perspectives of cultural strategy and creativity. They discussed the development strategies of Macao in “the Belt and Road”plan with the aim to promote Macao cultural industries among “the Belt and Road”countries and regions, to explore the possibility of new market expansion potential, to attract and cultivate creativity and management talents. These discussions are conducive to the development of Macao Cultural industries and moderate economic diversification.
With all the support and assistance, “The Belt and Road” Initiative and Opportunities for Macao Cultural Industries-2016 Macao Cultural Industry Report is successfully published. The report is divided into three parts: “Forum Highlights”, “Special Papers”and “Highlights on Master Workshops”. All the highlights and papers are drawn from their past studies and experience. Their discourses are as diverseas cultural implications, creative thinking, design philosophy, branding strategy, resource development, industry positioning of cultural industries, to the market development, development ideas, opportunities and challenges of “the Belt and Road” Initiative. They did not only present advanced development thoughts from the outside, but also bring together the wisdom from local industries. The report is expected to be inspiring and qualified reference for both academics and cultural industries sectors.
Iwant to express my gratitude to the Institute for Cultural Industries of the Peking University for their dedicated work on the editing and coordination of the publication. Thanks to all experts and scholars for their participation and sharing of their researches and experiences in forum. I am grateful to the Committee of Cultural Industries of the Macao S. A. R Government for their assistance. Last but notleast, my gratitude goes to the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao S. A. R Government and the Macao Foundation for their funding and support. We sincerely hope that the “Forum on Cultural Industries(Macao)”will continue to receive support in the future for the promotion of Macao's cultural industries.
April 19th,2017