第45章 WE GIVE A SIGN(2)
The sun is stronger than man who looks on him.""Ye say so.Yet I tell you that this day,one hour after midday,will we put out that sun for a space of an hour,and darkness shall cover the earth,and it shall be for a sign that we are indeed men of honor,and that Ignosi is indeed king of the Kukuanas.If we do this thing will it satisfy ye?""Yea,my lords,"answered the old chief with a smile,which was reflected on the faces of his companions;"if ye do this thing we will be satisfied indeed.""It shall be done:we three,Incubu the Elephant,Bougwan the clear-eyed,and Macumazahn,who watches in the night,have said it,and it shall be done.Dost thou hear,Infadoos?""I hear,my lord,but it is a wonderful thing that ye promise,to put out the sun,the father of all things,who shines forever.""Yet shall we do it,Infadoos."
"It is well,my lords.To-day,a little after midday,will Twala send for my lords to witness the girls dance,and one hour after the dance begins shall the girl whom Twala thinks the fairest be killed by Scragga,the king's son,as a sacrifice to the silent stone ones,who sit and keep watch by the mountains yonder,"and he pointed to the three strange looking peaks where Solomon's Road was supposed to end."Then let my lords darken the sun,and save the maiden's life and the people will indeed believe.""Ay,"said the old chief,still smiling a little,"the.people will believe,indeed.""Two miles from Loo,"went on Infadoos,"there is a hill curved like the new moon,a stronghold,where my regiment,and three other regiments which these men command,are stationed.This morning we will make a plan whereby other regiments,two or three,may be moved there also.Then,if my lords can indeed.darken the sun,in the darkness I will take my lords by the hand and lead them out of Loo to this place,where they shall be safe,and thence can we make war upon Twala,the king.""It is good,"said I."Now leave us to sleep awhile and make ready our magic."Infadoos rose,and,having saluted us,departed with the chiefs.
"My friends,"said Ignosi,as soon as they were gone,"can ye indeed do this wonderful thing,or were ye speaking empty words to the men?""We believe that we can do it,Umbopa -Ignosi,I mean.""It is strange;"he answered,"and had ye not been Englishmen I would not have believed it;but English `gentlemen'tell no lies.If we live through the matter,be sure I will repay ye!""Ignosi,"said Sir Henry,"promise me one thing.""I will promise,Incubu,my friend,even before I hear it,"answered the big man with a smile."What is it?""This:that if you ever come to be king of this people you will do away with the smelling out of witches such as we have seen last night;and that the killing of men without trial shall not take place in the land."Ignosi thought for a moment,after I had translated this,and then answered:
"The ways of black people are not as the ways of white men,Incubu,nor do we hold life so high as ye.Yet will I promise it.If it be in my power to hold them back,the witch-finders shall hunt no more,nor shall any more die the death without judgment.''
"That's a bargain,then,"said Sir Henry;"and now let us get a little rest."Thoroughly wearied out;we were soon sound asleep,and slept till Ignosi woke us about eleven o'clock.Then we got up,washed,and ate a hearty breakfast,not knowing when we should get any more food.After that we went outside the hut and stared at the sun,which we were distressed to observe presented a remarkably healthy appearance,without a sign of an eclipse anywhere about it.
"I hope it will come off,"said Sir Henry,doubtfully."False prophets often find themselves in painful positions.""If it does not,it will soon be up with us,"I answered,mournfully;"for so sure as we are living men,some of those chiefs will tell the whole story to the king,and then there will be another sort of eclipse,and one that we shall not like."Returning to the hut,we dressed ourselves,putting on the mail shirts which the king had sent us as before.Scarcely had we done so when a messenger came from Twala to bid us to the great annual "dance of girls"which was about to be celebrated.
Taking our rifles and ammunition with us so as to have them handy in case we had to fly,as suggested by Infadoos,we started boldly enough,though with inward fear and trembling.The great space in front of the king's kraal presented a very different appearance from what it had done on the previous evening.In the place of the grim ranks of serried warriors were company after company of Kukuana girls,not overdressed,so far as clothing went,but each crowned with a wreath of flowers,and holding a palm leaf in one hand and a tall white lily (the arum)in the other.In the centre of the open space sat Twala,the king,with old Gagool at his feet,attended by Infadoos,the boy Scragga,and about a dozen guards.
There were also present about a score of chiefs,among whom I recognized most of our friends of the night before.
Twala greeted us with much apparent cordiality,though I saw him fix his one eye viciously on Umbopa.
"Welcome,white men from the stars,"he said;"this is a different sight from what your eyes gazed on by the light of last night's moon,but it is not so good a sight.Girls are pleasant,and were it not for such as these"(and he pointed round him)"we should none of us be here to-day;but men are better.Kisses and the tender words of women are sweet,but the sound of the clashing of men's spears,and the smell of men's blood,are sweeter far!Would ye have wives from among our people,white men?
If so,choose the fairest here,and ye shall have them,as many as ye will;"and he paused for an answer.
As the prospect did not seem to be without attractions to Good,who was,like most sailors,of a susceptible nature,I,being elderly and wise,and foreseeing the endless complications that anything of the sort would involve (for women bring trouble as surely as the night follows the day),put in a hasty answer: