I ONCE happened to spend a couple of weeks in a Cossack village on our left flank.Abattalion of infantry was stationed there;and it was the custom of the officers to meet at each other's quarters in turn and play cards in the evening.
On one occasion --it was at Major S----'s --finding our game of Boston not sufficiently ab-sorbing,we threw the cards under the table and sat on for a long time,talking.The con-versation,for once in a way,was interesting.
The subject was the Mussulman tradition that a man's fate is written in heaven,and we dis-cussed the fact that it was gaining many votaries,even amongst our own countrymen.Each of us related various extraordinary occurrences,pro or contra.
"What you have been saying,gentlemen,proves nothing,"said the old major."I presume there is not one of you who has actually been a witness of the strange events which you are citing in support of your opinions?""Not one,of course,"said many of the guests.
"But we have heard of them from trustworthy people."...
"It is all nonsense!"someone said."Where are the trustworthy people who have seen the Register in which the appointed hour of our death is recorded?...And if predestination really exists,why are free will and reason granted us?Why are we obliged to render an account of our actions?"At that moment an officer who was sitting in a corner of the room stood up,and,coming slowly to the table,surveyed us all with a quiet and solemn glance.He was a native of Servia,as was evident from his name.
The outward appearance of Lieutenant Vulich was quite in keeping with his character.His height,swarthy complexion,black hair,piercing black eyes,large but straight nose --an attribute of his nation --and the cold and melancholy smile which ever hovered around his lips,all seemed to concur in lending him the appearance of a man apart,incapable of reciprocating the thoughts and passions of those whom fate gave him for companions.
He was brave;talked little,but sharply;confided his thoughts and family secrets to no one;drank hardly a drop of wine;and never dangled after the young Cossack girls,whose charm it is difficult to realise without having seen them.It was said,however,that the colonel's wife was not indifferent to those ex-pressive eyes of his;but he was seriously angry if any hint on the subject was made.
There was only one passion which he did not conceal --the passion for gambling.At the green table he would become oblivious of everything.
He usually lost,but his constant ill success only aroused his obstinacy.It was related that,on one occasion,during a nocturnal expedition,he was keeping the bank on a pillow,and had a terrific run of luck.Suddenly shots rang out.The alarm was sounded;all but Vulich jumped up and rushed to arms.
"Stake,va banque!"he cried to one of the most ardent gamblers.
"Seven,"the latter answered as he hurried off.
Notwithstanding the general confusion,Vulich calmly finished the deal --seven was the card.
By the time he reached the cordon a violent fusillade was in progress.Vulich did not trouble himself about the bullets or the sabres of the Chechenes,but sought for the lucky gambler.
"Seven it was!"he cried out,as at length he perceived him in the cordon of skirmishers who were beginning to dislodge the enemy from the wood;and going up to him,he drew out his purse and pocket-book and handed them to the winner,notwithstanding the latter's objections on the score of the inconvenience of the payment.
That unpleasant duty discharged,Vulich dashed forward,carried the soldiers along after him,and,to the very end of the affair,fought the Chechenes with the utmost coolness.
When Lieutenant Vulich came up to the table,we all became silent,expecting to hear,as usual,something original.
"Gentlemen!"he said --and his voice was quiet though lower in tone than usual --"gentle-men,what is the good of futile discussions?
You wish for proofs?I propose that we try the experiment on ourselves:whether a man can of his own accord dispose of his life,or whether the fateful moment is appointed beforehand for each of us.Who is agreeable?""Not I.Not I,"came from all sides.
"There's a queer fellow for you!He does get strange ideas into his head!""I propose a wager,"I said in jest.
"What sort of wager?"
"I maintain that there is no such thing as predestination,"I said,scattering on the table a score or so of ducats --all I had in my pocket.
"Done,"answered Vulich in a hollow voice.
"Major,you will be judge.Here are fifteen ducats,the remaining five you owe me,kindly add them to the others.""Very well,"said the major;"though,indeed,I do not understand what is the question at issue and how you will decide it!"Without a word Vulich went into the major's bedroom,and we followed him.He went up to the wall on which the major's weapons were hang-ing,and took down at random one of the pistols --of which there were several of different cali-bres.We were still in the dark as to what he meant to do.But,when he cocked the pistol and sprinkled powder in the pan,several of the officers,crying out in spite of themselves,seized him by the arms.
"What are you going to do?"they exclaimed.
"This is madness!"
"Gentlemen!"he said slowly,disengaging his arm."Who would like to pay twenty ducats for me?"They were silent and drew away.