第110章 VIII.
'At Doune, o'er many a spear and glaive Two Barons proud their banners wave.
I saw the Moray's silver star, And marked the sable pale of Mar.'
'By Alpine's soul, high tidings those!
I love to hear of worthy foes.
When move they on?' 'To-morrow's noon Will see them here for battle boune.'
'Then shall it see a meeting stern!
But, for the place,--say, couldst thou learn Nought of the friendly clans of Earn?
Strengthened by them, we well might bide The battle on Benledi's side.
Thou couldst not?--well! Clan-Alpine's men Shall man the Trosachs' shaggy glen;Within Loch Katrine's gorge we'll fight, All in our maids' and matrons' sight, Each for his hearth and household fire, Father for child, and son for sire Lover for maid beloved!--But why Is it the breeze affects mine eye?
Or dost thou come, ill-omened tear!
A messenger of doubt or fear?
No! sooner may the Saxon lance Unfix Benledi from his stance, Than doubt or terror can pierce through The unyielding heart of Roderick Dhu!
'tis stubborn as his trusty targe.
Each to his post!--all know their charge.'
The pibroch sounds, the bands advance, The broadswords gleam, the banners dance'
Obedient to the Chieftain's glance.--
I turn me from the martial roar And seek Coir-Uriskin once more.