"Oh, ,dear!" I! sighed, "this work will never be done!" and threw it down impatiently, and took the baby impatiently, and began to walk up and down with him impatiently.I was not willing that this little darling, whom I love so dearly, should get through with his nap and interrupt my work; yet I was displeased with myself, and tried by kissing him to make some amends for the hasty, un pleasant tones with which I had grieved him and frightened the other children.This evening Ernest came to me with a larger sum of money than he had ever given me at one time.
"Now every cent of this is to be spent," he said, "in having work done.I know any number of poor women who will be thankful to have all you can give them."Dear me I it is easy to talk, and I do feel grateful to Ernest for his thoughtfulness and kindness.But I am almost in rags, and need every cent of this money to make myself decent.I am positively ashamed to go anywhere, my clothes are so shabby.Besides, supposing I leave off sewing and all sorts of over-doing of a kindred nature, Imust nurse baby, I suppose, and be up with him nights and others will have their cross days and their sick and father will have his.Alas, there can be for no royal road to a "sweet, cheerful, quiet tone of mind!"JANUARY I, 1844.-Mother says Ernest is entirely right in forbidding my working so hard.I own that I already feel better.I have all the time I need to read my Bible and to pray now, and the children do not irritate and annoy me as they did.Who knows but I shall yet become quite amiable?
Ernest made his father very happy to-day by telling him that ,the last of those wretched debts is paid.I think that he might have told me that this deliverance was at hand.I did not know but we had years of these struggles with poverty before us.What with the relief from this anxiety, my improved state of health, and father's pleasure, Iam in splendid spirits to-day.Ernest, too, seems wonderfully cheerful, and we both feel that we may now look forward to a quiet happiness we have never known.With such a husband and such children as mine, I ought to be the most grateful creature on earth.And Ihave dear mother and James besides.I don't quite know what to think about James' relation to Lucy.He is so brimful running over with happiness that he is also full of fun and of love, and after all he may only like her as a cousin.