第35章 XXXV
Then Sarrazins implored him so, the chiefs, On the faldstoel Marsillies took his seat.
"Greatly you harm our cause," says the alcaliph:
"When on this Frank your vengeance you would wreak;Rather you should listen to hear him speak.""Sire," Guenes says, "to suffer I am meek.
I will not fail, for all the gold God keeps, Nay, should this land its treasure pile in heaps, But I will tell, so long as I be free, What Charlemagne, that Royal Majesty, Bids me inform his mortal enemy."Guenes had on a cloke of sable skin, And over it a veil Alexandrin;These he throws down, they're held by Blancandrin;But not his sword, he'll not leave hold of it, In his right hand he grasps the golden hilt.
The pagans say. "A noble baron, this."